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  1-30 of 159
Supplier Product name Pack size Price
5X Concentrate COOMASSIE nano Protein Staining Solution PS002-L05X 397,80
IRIS11 Prestained Protein Ladder PMI11-0500 PMI11-0500S 99,00 Inquire
BluPAD, LED Transilluminator, with mini Darkroom (CE/ETL, Patent No: M543442) BP001CU 662,40
BH 100bp DNA Ladder RTU (11 bands, 100-1,500bps) DM001-R500 DM001-R500S 50,40 Inquire
COOMASSIE nano Protein Staining Solution PS002-B500ML PS002-B020ML 70,20 Inquire
Blu10 Plus Prestained Protein Ladder (10 pre-stained bands, 6.5-270 kDa) PMB01-0500 118,80
RIBOAssure™ RNase Inhibitor RI001-0125 121,00
COVID-19 Mutation RT-qPCR Detection Kit (Alpha, Delta, Kappa) QP019M-0050 540,00
IRIS9 Plus Prestained Protein Ladder PMI09-0500 PMI09-0500S 100,00 Inquire
10X Concentrate Ponceau S Protein Staining Solution PS003-L10X 380,00
Prime Juice DNA Fluoresence Preloading Stain LD011-1000 LD011-1000S 55,00 Inquire
RScript™ Reverse Transcriptase RT001-0050 RT001-0250 100,00 358,00
Agarose Tablets AGT002-0500 AGT002-0500S 87,00 Inquire
OneStep Blocker Western Blocking Solution and Signal Enhancer BS001-B500ML BS001-B020ML 108,00 Inquire
UltraScence Pico Plus Western Substrate (ECL substrate) Sample (Patent No: US10,711,185) CCH321-004ML Inquire
UltraScence Pico Plus Western Substrate (ECL substrate) (Patent No: US10,711,185) CCH321-B100ML 85,00
UltraScence Pico Ultra Western Substrate (ECL substrate) (Patent No: US10,711,185) CCH345-B100ML 108,00
BH 1Kb Plus DNA Ladder RTU (13 bands, 100-10,000bps) DM015-R500 DM015-R500S 56,00 Inquire
100 mM dNTP Set DN001-0250 97,00
10 mM dNTP Mix DN0010 DN0010S 58,00 Inquire
2X PCR SuperMix MB200-P100 MB200-P100S 56,00 Inquire
Total RNA Isolation Kit (Plant) PDC07-0100 PDC07-0100S 460,00 Inquire
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