MedChem Express
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  1-23 of 23
Supplier Product name Pack size Price
Bioactive Compound Library (20028 compounds) HY-L001-30uL HY-L001-50uL HY-L001-100uL HY-L001-2x100uL HY-L001-250uL 55'113,50 77'142,00 110'184,10 176'269,60 198'324,80
Novel Bioactive Compound Library (1293 compounds) HY-L111-30uL HY-L111-50uL HY-L111-100uL HY-L111-2x100uL HY-L111-250uL 3'328,70 4'642,30 6'614,40 10'557,30 11'898,90
Bioactive Compound Library Max (21321 compounds) HY-L181-30uL HY-L181-50uL HY-L181-100uL HY-L181-2x100uL HY-L181-250uL 123'966,10 173'535,10 247'888,60 396'596,20 446'193,20
Bioactive Compound Library Plus - PartB (1773 compounds) HY-L001P-B-1MG 120'054,40
Bioactive Compound Library Plus - PartC (2647 compounds) HY-L001P-C-1MG HY-L001P-PartC-250uL 471'029,00 845'874,30
Bioactive Compound Library Plus - PartA (20028 compounds) HY-L001P-A-30uL HY-L001P-PartA-50uL HY-L001P-A-100uL HY-L001P-PartA-2x100uL HY-L001P-A-250uL 55'113,50 77'142,00 110'184,10 176'269,60 198'324,80
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